


An important figure in the ancient times that I feel has to be noted is Josephus Flavius.
Imagine, he lived in just a few years after the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ. In that stormy time when Roman
Empire was trying to enslave Judea, it seemed as if
there was no hope for Jews, and the hope that was alive
in their spirits was from reality too far. Seems like only one man understood that only alliance with the enemy
may help the nation, the Holy Temple, and culture
to survive. This understanding of his got him the title of
a traitor even though before he was a soldier and fought
against Romans. Even more, he served as a commander
in Galilee. But his group of fighters was surrounded
and trapped in a cave. Everybody died except
Josephus who was taken into prisoner to Roman
general Vespasian. How did he survive? There is
a legend about this mystery, you may choose to look
at the next page for the detailed deed of trickery
and Flavius's will to survive.

It is important to know about the rest of the amazing life
of this genius "traitor". Next, we see Vespasian as a
Roman emperor and Josephus Flavius at the Roman
library working on a book of the history of Jews
because of the fondness that Vespasian had for him.
What is it? Is this a hypnotic charm or unprincipled
impartiality or hardly understandable cleverness
possessed by a real patriot who had his very own idea
about surviving a nation and people's lives for present
and spiritual values for the future? As a person who
knew the Jews, he went with the Roman army to
Jerusalem trying to persuade the surrounded defenders
of Jerusalem to surrender. Of cause he failed this attempt.
As result the city and Holy Temple were destroyed, but
Flavius's books has brought them to us along with the
history of a large culture with tragic moments that were
witnessed by the talented in many areas, extraordinary

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